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《异煞》Event Horizon《蜘蛛侠》Spider Man《夜魔侠》Daredevil《最终幻想》Final Fantasy《卫斯里蓝血人》The Wesley is Mysyerious File
《少数派报告》Minority Report《深渊》The Abyss《闪灵悍将》SPAWN THE ALBUM《第三类接触》Close Encounters of The Third Kind《X战警》X-Men
《火龙帝国》Reign of Fire《蝙蝠侠3》Batman Forever《地心探险记》Journey to the Center of the Earth《终结者1》The Terminator 1《终结者2》The Terminator 2:Judgment Day
《黑衣人2》Men in Black 2《哈利波特与密室》Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets《天降奇兵》LXG《哈利波特之魔法石》Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone《异次元杀阵》CUBE
《再造战士2》Universal Soldier 2《天煞》Independence Day《变种DNA3》Mimic 3 Sentinel 《终结者3》Terminator 3《不死劫》Unreakable
《超人前传》Smallville《侏罗纪公园3》Jurassic Park 3《侏罗纪公园 2》Jurassic Park 2《侏罗纪公园 1》Jurassic Pack 1《燕尾服》The Tuxedo
《2009失去的记忆》2009 Lost Memories《变形黑侠》DARKMAN《再造战士》Universal Soldier《变种DNA2》《蜀山传》Legend of Zu
《地动天惊》Sphere《第五元素》The Fifth Element《黑衣人》Men in Black 《逃出纽约》Escape from New York《地球战场》Battlefield Earth
